Karaboudjan Anatolians & Sakarya Anatolians is pleased to announce the (frozen semen) spring litter, the “Muska x Phoenix” litter was born on June 4, 2017.

We have 10 healthy puppies, 7 males and 3 females.

Out of this litter we have chosen to keep 1 male: “Stone” Karaboudjan’s Stone Cold Steel & 1 female: “Xena” Karaboudjan’s Chakram Xena Warrior Princess

This was a special breeding between “Muska” GCH Karaboudjan’s Moonfire Magick and “Phoenix” BISS CH Carpe Diem’s Phoenix at Sakarya

Please refer to the “Latest News” section of the website for Muska’s recent wins & see her individual page for more detailed information,

Our initial plan was to breed in the fall, but mother nature can be a fickle gal.



“Phoenix” Hips – OFA

AKC pedigree: Phoenix


BISS CH Carpe Diem’s Phoenix at Sakarya


“Phoenix” 2009 Best of Breed ASDCA National Specialty

“Phoenix” Best of Breed @ Cabrillo KC