Ziva, Blackjack, & Muska

Ziva, Blackjack, & Muska from the Shami x Rocky litter 2013

Prospective Puppy Owner Application

The above questions are being asked so that we can match the right puppy with the right owner; keeping the character, ability and temperament of the puppy in mind, as well as the desires and needs of the new owner.  The more information we have, the better we will understand your expectations. 

Please feel free to add any additional comments at the end.  Completion of this questionnaire does not guarantee that a puppy will be available for you.  Puppies’ personalities and abilities are matched with each prospective owner’s lifestyle and needs, along with what the new owner has told us that they are looking for in a puppy – with temperament, conformation and instinct testing being the final determining factor.

I hope you will agree that the puppy’s welfare must be our foremost consideration when deciding on a placement.    

Thank you,

 ~Karaboudjan Anatolians~

ASDCA Code of Ethics Breeder